When propertECO were invited to speak at an industry health & safety forum, Radon Tee also made an appearance to help spread the message ‘Reduce Radon’.
The British Printing Industries Federation (BPIF) is one of the country’s leading trade associations and represents members across the UK involved in print, printed packaging and graphic communication.
As part of their services to members, BPIF offer regular updates on health & safety issues, including an annual Forum. propertECO spoke to members in both the Midlands and the South West about the need for employers to carry out radon risk assessments, how workplaces can be tested for radon and what should be done if high radon levels are found in a commercial building.

The Health & Safety Excecutive advises that “The radioactive gas radon is a hazard in many homes and workplaces. Breathing in radon is the second largest cause of lung cancer in the UK resulting in up to 2000 fatal cancers per year. However radon hazards are simple and cheap to measure and relatively easy to address if levels are high. Under UK regulations all employers must review the potential radon hazard in their premises.” To read the full guidance from HSE click here, or to download propertECO’s Guidance For Employers document, click here.