propertECO’s specialist radon project team have written a new guide to assist social housing providers in fulfilling their duty of care to tenants.

Radon is a naturally occurring gas that can escape from the ground and accumulate within properties unnoticed. It is present in low levels in all buildings, however the underlying geology coupled with building design and ventilation can lead to some properties containing hazardous concentrations.
As landlords, Housing Associations and councils are responsible for ensuring that tenants are safe in their homes. The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) forms part of the Housing Act 2004 and contains a list of hazards that all landlords should assess within their properties. This includes hazards such as dampness and mould, electrical hazards and risk of fires but also on the list is radon gas.
In the first instance, housing providers should consult the UK radon map to ascertain whether their properties lie within designated radon ‘Affected Areas’. These are parts of the country where it has been estimated that more than 1% of homes will contain elevated levels of radon.
According to HHSRS, “if the dwelling is in an Affected Area….as radon levels can vary widely between apparently identical dwellings, the only way to determine whether or not there is a threat to health is by measurement.” [Source]
The steps that follow depend upon the results of the test but may include the need to carry out remedial work to reduce concentrations.
propertECO work with local authorities and social housing providers across the UK to assist with radon compliance. We offer an initial desktop assessment of postcodes to identify properties where testing is required and both a postal and ‘place and collect’ test service. When elevated radon levels are detected, our expert surveyors are experienced in designing effective radon mitigation systems that can be installed by our local teams of technicians. We can deliver planned preventative maintenance and re-testing programmes and reactive repairs.
If you would like further information or to get started with your housing radon risk assessment, please get in touch with us on 0800 046 6193, or contact us online.